Get into the cart: The path to purchase model for packaging your products

Customers are more likely to purchase your products and connect with your brand if they feel nurtured in their relationship.

This is important for premium product-based
brands because your potential customer needs to understand the bigger value and meaning that your brand makes on their lives.

Not just the features and benefits.

From a marketing perspective, this can be explored using the Path to Purchase model (Know, Like & Trust).Typically, the Know, Like and Trust concept is applied to your marketing and content strategy.

However the idea can be applied to your packaging and branding as well!

What is the KNOW, LIKE & TRUST factor?

➊ Know

When you apply the "Know" part to your packaging, the purpose is to create awareness of your product through your packaging. If your ideal customer doesn't know that you product exists, they cannot purchase from you.

Do this by:

  • Making your packaging visually sticky. Stand out in people’s minds with memorable, one-of-a-kind packaging.
  • Ensuring your logo and product title are visible on your packaging so people connect your product with your brand.
  • Add copy to your packaging describing what people need to know first about your product.

➋ Like

Like is all about building resonance with your customers in your packaging and product. Ultimately, you want your customer to like what your product and packaging stands for and represents so that they emotionally feel connected to your brand.

Do this by:

  • Show your brand’s values through promise icons.
  • Use materials (eg. compostable labels) that connect with your customers’ values.
  • Show the human side of your brand with your brand voice and personality.

➌ Trust

In Trust, your packaging needs to convey your expertise and dedication to serving your customers. It is about showing how your product or offering solves a problem for your ideal customer in its own unique way. Y

Do this by:

  • Make your point of difference or expertise clear.
  • Ensure your packaging aligns with the quality of your product.
  • Provide ways for customers to connect with you for more info.
Packaging & brand design
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Discover your brand's unique personality archetype blend

FREE Masterclass for Gentle Biz Owners

Sign up for your FREE "Brand Archetype Blend Masterclass" and express your brand's unique personality and confidently articulate what you want to say and how to emotionally connect with your dream customers.

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Product Launch Must-haves: Packaging Power Checklist

FREE Checklist for product founders, preparing to launch a new brand

Sign up for your Free "Packaging Launch Checklist" to leverage the power of your packaging, product and brand's presence and successfully set up your new brand for growth.

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Jo ChunYan is a bespoke packaging & branding design studio for visionary founders and their brands. We acknowledges the Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern Kulin Nation and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.