In a previous blog post, Why you need to spend time alone, I wrote about the importance of finding confidence and joy within ourselves, rather than always depending on others to prop us up.

Finding ways to spend time with yourself isn’t as hard as you think it might be. As a coach, I find that there are so many ways to spend more meaningful time with yourself by putting your energy into things you love.

I want to make things easier for you. So, here are 50 things you can do alone by yourself.

One of the tools I used to plan out my time alone that goes beautifully with this list these Etsy journaling templates - a bit of a choose your diary adventure if you will, full of worksheets, journal and planner sheets to help you get organised and plan for a more intuitive life. Have a feel for each item on the list. Whatever you end up doing for yourself, be sure to listen to how you feel and make sure it lights you up from the inside out. 

Here are 50 things you can do alone to spend more time with yourself: 

  1. Start your own vegetable patch in your garden. Or plant them in larger planter boxes if you don't have space.
  2. Bake something that you’ve never made before. I personally love flipping through old recipe books, searching for delicious treats. 
  3. Spend a day at a museum or art gallery.
  4. Journal. Journaling in the morning can help set the tone for the rest of my day.  I use my Etsy journaling templates to write up a list of all the things I want to do each day, declare my dreams, plan out my vision and track my wellness habits. 
  5. Meditate - sit, be still and devote time to listening to your breath.
  6. Review and update your vision for yourself. What does this future version of you look like?
  7. Have dinner by yourself in a nice restaurant - take time to really enjoy the food and it’s nice to take yourself out on a date every once in a while. 
  8. Read your favourite chapters from the books you love. 
  9. Go to a farmer's market, basket in hand and stock up on fresh, seasonal, organic produce. 
  10. Go for a walk - in nature, outdoors and enjoy breathing the fresh air.
  11. Make some popcorn, add your own toppings (be creative!) and have a movie marathon.
  12. Listen to an album from start to finish without doing anything else. Or find a playlist that resonates with how you are feeling.
  13. Go out for a long Sunday brunch. 
  14. See a film at the cinema on your own - this way you won't have to share your popcorn.
  15. Do a grocery shop at your favourite organic grocers and splurge on something you don't have very often. My local organic grocer offers personalised tea blending. I just tell them what kind of tea I want and they create a herbal blend from various organic herbs.  
  16. Start a herb garden that will sit on your windowsill. This is perfect for small apartments. Most herbs are quite hardy and will last throughout the year. And wouldn’t it be lovely to serve yourself dinner with herbs you’ve grown? 
  17. Create a mixed tape or playlist for all your different moods and occasions. You can one for all your different activities - running, yoga, studying, working - and even fun activities like gardening, reading and sleeping!
  18. Take your bike for a leisurely ride and go to your favourite cafe.
  19. Rearrange your wardrobe and discover old clothes again. It’ll be like you had a new wardrobe without even knowing it!
  20. Clean and organise things around your home. Try using Marie Kondo's KonMari method for decluttering in order to spark joy!
  21. Visit the florist and pick out a bunch of flowers for your bedside table. Use your good vase!
  22. Create a calming space in your home for working on your hobbies or projects.
  23. Create a beautiful meditation or spiritual corner - make a little altar for your crystals, meditation bowl and candles.
  24. Take all your old clothes, books and furniture and donate these things to charity. Make room for the new by clearing out the old.
  25. Paint, draw, sketch, write - let your emotions and intuition guide you with this one.
  26. Make a terrarium from a selection of succulents and moss. 
  27. Go somewhere in the city that you have never been to before. 
  28. Go to a gig, enjoy the music and dance like crazy.
  29. Read up on your horoscope or consult your tarot cards, angel cards! 
  30. Send a handwritten letter to a friend, lover or family member.
  31. Create a Pinterest board to help visualise and bring your next adventure to life.
  32. Make an Acai bowl or smoothie bowl, topped with fruit, yoghurt, superfoods and granola.
  33. Light a candle, take a relaxing bath - try adding some essential oils and herbs like sage, camomile or peppermint!
  34. Do a face mask. Make one from the ingredients in your kitchen! Combine 1 tablespoon of honey, a banana and a few drops of lemon, mix it up and apply to your face.
  35. Roll out your mat and do yoga to rejuvenate, energise and relax.
  36. Think of 50 questions that you want the answers to and consult Wikipedia.
  37. Do a gentle juice cleanse for the day.
  38. Rearrange things in your room using Feng Shui to bring more light, flow and harmonious energy to your space. 
  39. Give an old chest of drawers some fresh paint or replace the doorknobs in your house with vintage ones.
  40. Give yourself a mini-retreat weekend - eat healthy food, go for a massage, spoil yourself and really relax! We all need self-care weekends. 
  41. Sleep, doze or power nap as much as you need to.
  42. Sip a cup of tea and look out the window.
  43. Go to the park, pack some homemade sandwiches, bring a picnic blanket and a good book.
  44. Catch up on all your favourite blog posts.
  45. Travel. I love travelling on my own because it really pushes me to live outside my comfort zone, to trust my intuition and to learn more about myself. 
  46. Give yourself a manicure - try a different style like Leopard prints, marbling effects, dots etc.
  47. Wake up early to see the sunrise. Or make time at dusk to catch the sunset.
  48. Go for a jog or walk by the beach. Breathe in the salty sea breeze and watch the waves lick the shore. 
  49. Study. I love studying in my spare time. Sign up for online courses on any topic you have the interest to learn more about. 
  50. Take a photo to depict each hour in your day.
  51. Make a gratitude list. Add to this list whenever these pockets of gratitude open up. Remember this list when you feel unhappy and read through it. It’ll instantly cheer you up and help put things in perspective.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by this list - don't! It's not about ticking everything off, but taking the time to find the things that bring you joy in your day. Even if it is just one simple 10 minute ritual or activity. Perhaps you will have found some new things to try from this list or discovered old hobbies you had forgotten. 

For some additional help with journaling and reflection, sign up below to get your journaling templates for consicous creatives.

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Jo ChunYan is a bespoke packaging & branding design studio for visionary founders and their brands. We acknowledges the Bunurong Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung peoples of the Eastern Kulin Nation and pays respect to their Elders past, present and emerging.